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In packs of 40 little ‘Business Cards’ to share with friends and strangers alike, these cards are white on the reverse so you can write your contact details if you wish – and it also contains the QR code which can be scanned to go straight to the Global Vision TV network at


Purchase using your payment card or PayPal account (charged in your local currency).

Shipping is charged at Checkout when you enter your country.
OR we can supply free artwork for you to take to your own printer if you require larger numbers.

Gv247 Cards

SKU: cards
  • For Subscribers and Viewers of Global Vision TV
    So what exactly IS the Global Vision TV network at *


    Launched in 2005 and now consisting of 24 channels such as Apologetics, Archaeology, Creation v Evolution and Genetics to The End Times, Spiritual Deception, Angels & Demons to Testimonies, Dinosaurs and Discipeship – Gv247 consists of hundreds of mainly short (a few minutes long) programmes or interviews with world leading experts answering questions from a sound and solid Biblical perspective.


    There is also a special channel for Pastors and upcoming channels include Christianity for Beginners, The Word for Women, Children's Ministry and Ethics, Morality and Philosophy.The first Channel you come to on the network is the magazine formatted ‘The Weekend Show’. Launched in 2017 and hosted by the network’s founders, film producers Deborah and Stewart Menelaws, the half hour show is watched around the world. It brings a word for today, prophecy in the news or whatever The Lord lays on their hearts.

    Find full details at

  • Handling and Shipping is charged at Checkout when you enter your country.
    Orders processed within 24 hours.
    Not tracked.

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