Global Vision Channel Descriptions
1-Weekend Show 2-Lamplight Fellowship 3-Discipleship Checklist 4-Crown of Life 5-Shepherds Corner 6-Apologetics 7-Archaeology 8-Dinosaurs 9-Creation or Evolution 10-Science 11-Genetics 12-Geology 13-Astronomy 14-End Times 15-Faith Groups 16-Angels & UFOs 17-Spiritual Deception 18-The Bible 19-Parables 20-Jewish Feasts 21-Ethics 22-The Daniel Project 23-The Daniel Connection 24-Jesus Film 25-Focus on Israel

Ch17: Spiritual Deception
Spiritual Deception is a look at Christian apostasy and the many forms it takes. Much of the New Testament is made up of words of admonishment, warnings and encouragement to the newly formed body of Christ (The Church), to guard against Satan, his fallen angels, false teachers and prophets.
Today, there are just as many, if not more, challenges for the Christian to grow and avoid falling into the many traps of liberal modern society and dangerously deceptive beliefs.